Pro Gamer, CEO Killer, MachoMan, Mansion Owner, Younger Brother Of Fat Red Oaf, Inventor Of The 'Whip And Nae Nae'UID: 29
( • w • ) - 15 yo. brazillian dude that happens to be pansexual... - yell at me on discord if you want : jackjackjacki
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stupid person on pikidiary + random posts | Linktree | 15 | UID: 416
Hola soy el Syous, me gustan las animaciones flash y las weas retro, tambien soy fan del Warcraft y el metal entre otras weasMi canal de Yutubi:
19 años. EN/ESMe gustan los videojuegos y la informática. Desarrollador de
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18.Galego de coraçóm.Fan do manga, os vxogos e o Monstruo das Galletas.DOKKAN BATTLE enjoyer.
I'm BXGHXTE, I'm 17 years old, and this is my space to share everything I'm passionate about. From the retro video games that defined my childhood to the vinyl music that always accompanies me, everything I do has a nostalgic and authentic touch.I grew up playing on consoles like the Wii and 3DS, discovering glitches and secrets that made me fall in love with the world of video games. Today, I continue to explore those unexpected details, both in my gaming and in life. I also play guitar, enjoy learning new songs, and my taste in music ranges from introspective indie to timeless vinyl classics.