Welcome to pikitown!A "DiaryPlay" (rp idfk) Project made by SomeoneTDH!Heres some stuff that you need to know:You can customize your home by buying furniture with pikicoins. Altough its not implemented yet, heres a list of the objects that can be bought:[PC Stands for Pikicoin]1. Couch (10 PC)2. TV (14 PC)3. Computer (21 PC)4. Plant (6 PC)5. Table (9 PC)6. Lights (1 PC)7. Bed (11 PC)8. Dance Floor (31 PC)9. Fridge (10 PC)10. Oven (5 PC)11. Jenga12. ClosetYou can buy furniture the same way you claim a house, reply under the top pinned post. How do I earn PC?You can earn Pikicoins by getting a job, again. Replying in a pinned post!There will be a few list of jobs under that post. You can choose what job you want and work!
UID: 1821PHINEAS AND FERB ARE DEAD!!!! my not pikidiary
847th joinne, 16 yo. scroll down 4 music i go by twine, i make vido, music i like the look of this site so i joined! yippie! audiovisual multimedia creator @archive94 on youtube and bitview
follow on DA: deviantart.com/lightdies07 SpaceHey: spacehey.com/nvtbvster UID: 993//god fucking dammit why can't i add shit to my profile
close enough, welcome back 2008i make art (occasionally)lately i (try to) teach myself web development



Currently working on EVERYTHING I WORK ALL NIGHT I WORK ALL DAY AND IM NOT EVEN GETTING PAID IM SO TIRED ITS ALMOST ILEGAL TO HAVE 2 UNPAID JOBSmy website indivisual any tips are appreciated!! i seriously have no idea wtf i'm doing. I'm 22 and an alcoholic 
2D animator status with 10 god complex points ------------ 1 free pfp commission cupon left to give, after someone claims that it will cost 1 million beers------------------instagram----------tumblr-------------

hi I’m Star and um yeah, I like the color pink,,pronouns: she/her, I might not post much, sorry 😓😓
Сайн байна уу!Би бүйлс, pikidiary бол миний хувьд шинэ вэбсайт! Би Монголоос ирсэн тул та бүхэнтэй уулзахыг хүсч байнаUID: 909
haii :3 macback here tech lover, professional gender questioner things about me: interests: tech, tech, did i mention tech?
music genres: rap, electronic, cutecore, vaporwave
favorite aesthetics: fairy kei, cutecore, yume kawaii, frutiger aero
favorite artists: kanye west, yuno miles, tyler the creator
gender & sexuality: was genderfluid, 99% sure im enby, also bi
linked song: snartrut by dj lo/st, aka me lmao, love how this track turned out :3
aight have fun!!!! ^-^