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sol Pinned
6 days ago Comment 0
lalalalala <- thinking of his boyfriend again
17 hours ago Comment 0
@yep lol. lmao, even. did he realize that there's lesbians and gay people and trans people and aroace people in the show or was he too stupid to figure it out
17 hours ago Parent
new banner ^_^ i feel like it really represents me as a person!!
1 day ago Comment 0
pikidiary we are so back (sack)
1 day ago Comment 0
@yep i see... however im still happy that i could turn this into a learning moment for those with open minds! ^_^
1 day ago Parent
@whyimdeleted ah thank you for informing me!!
1 day ago Parent
@vil back in middle school 6th and 7th graders i happened to be in the same math in tried to tell me how good it was... ill never forget
1 day ago Parent
@someonetdh i heard about this in like 2020 bro where have u been. anyways i do have my own issues with the term latinx as IMO it was made without consulting anyone who speaks Spanish because the x is usually silent so you'd pronounce it as "latin" which is. not correct. personally i think latine is better as e as a suffix is already used in Spanish (ex: estudiante) for gender neutral words. i know you weren't talking about this but i wanted to share my thoughts also!
2 days ago Parent
@sol it was unwarranted (i talked to him about it)
2 days ago Parent

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