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@junoppai let me read this
12 hours ago Parent
@clancytolman Sounds like you're one joyless sap then. Sorry to hear that
15 hours ago Parent
Sometimes I think of killing myself and then I remember "Monkey D. Luffy wouldn't want that for you" and suddenly I don't want to anymore
15 hours ago Comment 3
@worsethansoap CSS isn't even that hard...??
16 hours ago Parent
@supergraphicultramoderngirl very cute style! huge fan. would buy many keychains
16 hours ago Parent
[Lost Media] Gurren Lagann Opening - Funimation English Dub (Partially Found)

Did you know? Gurren Lagann was originally supposed to be dubbed by Funimation after ADV Films went under, before the license was later passed over to Bang Zoom. Here's a clip of the partially lost Gurren Lagann dub opening by Funimation (sung by Vic Mignogna):
2 days ago Comment 0
@worsethansoap sorry for not writing quirky hypersexual puppygirl ERP music like Lemon Demon
2 days ago Parent
j-pop instrumental finished
2 days ago Comment 1
@jax methinks they're starting fake shit just to start shit because oingo boingo fans have nothing interesting going on in their life when they aren't having to explain why their favorite artist's most well-known song is "I love little girls"
2 days ago Parent
@jax it's just bizarre to me because the few musicians i've met on pikidiary (besides mister vixen) are some of the few talented composers/musicians i've met in communities surrounding this. i'm not gonna sit here and let any of them be talked down to by a fucking lemon demon and oingo boingo fan
2 days ago Parent

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